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Thermal conductivity estimation of high solid loading …

Thermal diffusivity is one of the important properties of a propellant which plays a role in determining the thermal profile inside the solid phase of the propellant during its combustion. The thermal profile dictates the energy stored in the condensed phase. ... Sometimes iron oxide (IO) and copper chromite (CC) are also added as burn rate ...

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Thermal Diffusivity in Ion-irradiated Single-crystal Iron, …

Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order of 1 dpa. 5 MeV Si3+-ion irradiated tungsten exhibits a reduction of thermal diffusivity from 0.78(7) cm2s−1 to 0.29(2) cm2s−1 with logarithmically ...

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(PDF) Olivine-Spinel Diffusivity Patterns in Chromitites and …

Olivine-Spinel Diffusivity Patterns in Chromitites and Dunites from the Finero Phlogopite-Peridotite (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps): Implications for the Thermal History of the Massif

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Thermal diffusivity, viscosity and prandtl number for molten iron …

Thermal diffusivity measurements of pure iron have been made using a laser flash apparatus (LFA) over the temperature range 25 to 1 640 degreesC. These measurements are compared with existing data ...

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(PDF) Thermal Diffusivity of Iron at High Temperature in Both the

Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium, and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order ...

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Thermal diffusivity in ion-irradiated single-crystal iron, …

Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium, and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order of 1 dpa. 5 MeV Si3+-ion irradiated tungsten exhibits a reduction of thermal diffusivity from 0.78(7) to 0.29(2) cm2 s−1 with logarithmically ...

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Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Iron Ore Pellet …

It was found that heat transfer through a bed of dry pellets between -15 and 30°C can be modeled as a homogeneous medium with a temperature-independent thermal diffusivity of κ=2.7×10 -7 m 2 s -1 .

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Effect of Iron Content on the Thermal Conductivity and Thermal …

The average value, 1.62 mm 2 /s, is similar to the thermal diffusivity of En 89, 1.82 mm 2 /s, at the ambient condition in this study. The thermal diffusivity of En 89 in this study is a little higher than that of En 90 along c axis (Chai et al., 1996) under ambient conditions.

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High thermal conductivity chromite sand AFS45-50

High thermal conductivity chromite sand AFS45-50 is a foundry-grade chromite sand. With a high Cr2O3 content of more than 46% and SiO2 of less than 1%, the chromite sand works excellent as core sand, molding sand, shape sand, and facing sand for casting. The chromite sand from Haixu Abrasives gets high thermal and chill performance after water washing and magnetic removal …

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Thermal diffusivity of iron at high temperatures

The results of the thermal diffusivity measurements for pure iron within the temperature range from 830 K up to 1820 K obtained in automated mode by the dynamic plane temperature wave method have been presented. ... Gorbatov, V.I., Polev, V.F., Korshunov, I.G. et al. Thermal diffusivity of iron at high temperatures. High Temp 50, 292–294 ...

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Modelling Thermal Diffusivity of Heterogeneous Materials …

Effective thermal diffusivity models are useful for predicting thermal diffusivities of heterogeneous materials. The literature contains models that may be broadly categorised into four different types: (1) effective thermal diffusivity for highly specific applications (e.g. empirical curve fitting of measured data); (2) effective thermal diffusivity as a weighted averages of the …

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Thermal Diffusivity in Ion-irradiated Single-crystal Iron, …

This paper reports the results of transient grating spectroscopy -a rapid, non-destructive, in-situ photothermal surface technique - of ion-irradiated single-crystals of iron, chromium, vanadium …

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Thermal diffusivity recovery and defect annealing kinetics …

Thermal diffusivity of the implanted samples measured during the various annealing stages. Each measurement is an average of 5000 laser excitations. The thermal diffusivity measured for pristine tungsten is shown as a grey band. The bounds of the grey region correspond to one standard deviation after averaging over 20 K intervals.

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Effect of Iron Content on the Thermal Conductivity and Thermal …

The thermal conductivity (κ) and the thermal diffusivity (D) are two important thermal param- eters of minerals. In addition to temperature and pressure (Hofmeister, 1999 ; Osako et al., 2004 ; Wang

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Effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of …

ducing pre-reduced chromite ore. (Alternative processes for the pre-reduction of chromite ore are also being investigated, and the design of, for example, tunnel kilns requires data on the heat-transfer characteristics of packed beds.) For these reasons, the effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of two chromite ores were determined.

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Effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of …

The effective thermal conductivities in stagnant air of packed beds of fines, lumps, and indurated and pre-reduced pellets of two chromite ores with different chromium-to-iron ratios were …

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Methods to Characterize Effective Thermal Conductivity, Diffusivity …

The technique is suitable for a wide range of thermal diffusivity of samples, and thermal conductivity in the range from 0.005 to 500 W/mK has been measured, thus for a wide range of materials with different combinations of thermal conductivity, specific heat, and density, even if the abovementioned ASTM standard is for plastics.

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Thermal Diffusivity in Ion-irradiated Single-crystal Iron, …

vanadium and tungsten at room temperature. Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the order of 1 dpa. 5 MeV Si3+-ion irradiated tungsten exhibits a reduction of thermal diffusivity from 0.78(7) cm2s−1

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(a) Thermal diffusivity (scale-meas), and (b) conductivity

Download scientific diagram | (a) Thermal diffusivity (scale-meas), and (b) conductivity (kscale-meas) values of iron oxide scale of sample H, plotted against temperature. from publication ...

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Thermal Diffusivity, Viscosity and Prandtl Number for …

Thermal diffusivity for pure liquid iron. HIGH TEMPERATURE Vol. 51 No. 1 2013 THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY, VISCOSITY AND PRANDTL NUMBER 133 this way will be considered valid also for carbon steel.

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Thermal Diffusivity of Iron at High Temperature in Both …

mended values are given. In the g-Fe phase region the thermal diffusivity can be represented by a563102613.13 31029 (T2911). In the d-Fe phase region the thermal diffusivity can be represented by the constant 0.0731024 m2 s21. In the liquid region up to 1640°C, the thermal diffusivity can be represented by a56.23102611.79310293( T21538). in ...

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A Versatile Effective Thermal Diffusivity Model for Porous …

Thermal diffusivity is an important parameter for modeling transient thermal processes and there is value in being able to model thermal diffusivity of porous materials based on composition data. Simple volume-weighted averages of the components thermal diffusivities' require the fewest inputs, but cannot provide accurate predictions for a range of materials. The …

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Thermophysical Properties

scanning calorimetry, ASTM E 1952; thermal diffusivity of solids by the laser flash method, ASTME 1461;and the steady-stateheatflow, ASTM C 518 (Ref 60–62). Ceramics, EN 821–2 and ISO 18755, both laser flash (Ref 63, 64) Thermal emittance: Radiometric techniques,

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Thermal diffusivity in ion-irradiated single- crystal iron, …

Thermal diffusivity in ion-irradiated single-crystal iron, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten measured using transient grating spectroscopy Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 132, 045102 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0089048

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Thermal Properties of Armco Iron | Journal of Applied …

The thermal diffusivity and specific heat of Armco iron are reported in the temperature range of 25° to 1000°C. Electrical‐resistivity values are reported from. Skip to Main Content. ... Thermal diffusivity measurement of Armco iron by a novel method. Rev. Sci. Instrum. (May 1977)

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Studies on the thermal stability of iron chromite in air

Studies on the thermal stability of FeCr2O4 in air show that surface oxidation preceeds bulk oxidation. Electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power measurements show that above 47 K, …

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Thermal Diffusivity Table

In heat transfer analysis, thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific heat capacity at constant pressure. It measures the rate of transfer of heat of a material from the hot side to the cold side.

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(PDF) Thermal Diffusivity of Iron at High …

Thermal diffusivity was used to track damage development throughout irradiation, with 5 MeV self-ion irradiated iron, chromium, and vanadium showing little to no change up to damages of the...

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Temperature Dependence of Thermal Diffusivity and …

value, the thermal diffusivity of FeO was derived as 3.7 × 10−7–5.8 × 10−7 m2 s−1 and the thermal con- ductivity as 1.8–2.5 W m −1 K −1 between room temperature and 1164 K. The ...

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Effective thermal conductivities in packed beds: Review of …

Thermal diffusivity ... The temperature profile through the central axil of the packed bed was measured by six iron thermocouples placed as depicted in the figure. ... in Fig. 13, ball bearings, copper chromite and chromia alumina have similar diameters (between 3 and 4 mm), showing three lines which clearly differ from the two lines ...

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